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Discussing America’s political direction with balanced perspective


Step Back, Jack

Monday, April 14th, 2008

The Bitterness Irony With Obama's Supporters I've taken a good bit of heat for my posting on Obama's recent comments about Pennsylvanians and small town Americans. That's fine, I don't expect or want everyone to agree with me here, that would make this a boring and pointless web site given that ...

Chelsea, Tell Us About The Lewinsky Scandal

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

Because It Matters To... Who? Why? Dolt! Over and over folks are rising when Chelsea Clinton appears to speak... to ask her about the Monica Lewinski scandal. How this is honestly relevant now, and to whom completely escapes me, but before I condemn the questioners or say the topic is out ...

What Is An Oxymoron?

Monday, March 17th, 2008

Any politician who campains against politics as usual... I refuse to judge a man's character by the words or deeds of his friends and associates. I've always been this way. Guilt by association just doesn't sit well with me. So I gave the "big news" about Senator Obama's pastor spewing divisive ...

Supporting Clinton

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Does That Really Make Me Racist? I suppose it had to happen, all of us travel this mountain in life and at some point cross the peak to carry our journey to the other side--but I was hoping it wouldn't come so soon. Of course I'm talking about the stations in life ...

Election Polls And The Primary Games

Thursday, February 21st, 2008

What do all the numbers really mean? We haven't the resources at to properly conduct election polls, and I personally never put faith in polls anyway. They're biased by design in how any given question is presented, not to mention limited to the opinions of those polled which are directly ...