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Archive for the ‘Campaign Trail’ Category

Supporting Clinton

Does That Really Make Me Racist? I suppose it had to happen, all of us travel this mountain in life and at some point cross the peak to carry our journey to the other side--but I was hoping it wouldn't come so soon. Of course I'm talking about the stations in life ...

Election Polls And The Primary Games

What do all the numbers really mean? We haven't the resources at to properly conduct election polls, and I personally never put faith in polls anyway. They're biased by design in how any given question is presented, not to mention limited to the opinions of those polled which are directly ...

Democratic Debate

Are we keeping scores? A respected acquaintance posed the question of whether there were any clear winners in last night's Democratic Debate--and I'll share my thoughts on this here. I don't think there was a clear winner, unless I can vote for the Democratic party. No candidate jumped out for me, not ...

Apprehension 2008 begins

buxtohispano's first look at the '08 presidential race - Rudy Giuliani In early 1998, several of my friends told me that George W. bush would be our next president. Of course I laughed at them. Since then, I've learned to pay closer attention to what my friends say--and to ...

Playing follow the leader in politics

When everybody knows that stupid is as stupid does I understand that the temptation for Democrats to use the Foley scandal against Republicans in campaigns across the country is inviting and juicy, but it won't work. It's not going to sway anyone away from Republicans or energize voters who aren't already ...